Hasely Crawford Stadium - Site License                           7/19/2015 - 10:20 AM
              2015 CAC AGE GROUP CHAMPIONSHIPS - 7/18/2015 to 7/19/2015               
                              Live Results @ ttnaaa.org                               
                       HASELY CRAWFORD STADIUM, P.OS., TRINIDAD                       
Event 4  Heptathlon: #4 Boys 80 Meter Hurdles 0.84m (33")
          CR: ! 11.42  6/29/2013   Tyriq Horsford, T'DAD & T'GO                       
    Name                    Year Team                    Finals  Points               
Section  1     Wind: -0.4                                                             
  1 Lowe, Shacquille          01 Jamaica                  12.19     680               
  2 Clarke, Benjamin          01 Bahamas                  12.56     636               
  3 Andrews, Joel             01 Trinidad And Tobago      12.63     628               
  4 Jean, Andreson            01 Anguilla                 13.02     585               
  5 Sylvester, Jared          01 Grenada                  13.63     523 13.625        
  6 Bossong, Stan             01 Aruba                    16.12     318               
Section  2     Wind: -0.5                                                             
  1 Maynard, Antonio          01 ST Lucia                 12.18     681               
  2 Babb, Enrique             01 Barbados                 12.20     679               
  3 James, Harlan             01 Antigua And Barbuda      13.07     580               
  4 Palin, Mario              02 Martinique               13.63     523 13.629        
  5 Modeste, Valence          01 US Virgin Islands        13.85     502               
  6 Jean, Lynolson            01 Anguilla                 14.36     455               
Section  3     Wind: -0.9                                                             
  1 Toussaint, Tyler          01 ST Lucia                 12.01     702               
  2 Boeldak, Tahir            01 Curacao                  13.13     574               
  3 Richardson, Jammy         01 Grenada                  14.42     450               
  4 Osorio, Marvin            01 Honduras                 14.53     441               
  5 Modeste, Logan            01 Martinique               14.70     426               
  6 Misuraca, Zion            01 Aruba                    14.94     407               
  7 Stapleton, Romar          02 ST Vincent               16.61     285               
Section  4     Wind: -1.3                                                             
  1 Smith, Avindale           02 Trinidad And Tobago      11.94     711               
  2 Miller, Shaun             01 Bahamas                  12.05     697 12.042        
  3 Watson, Antonio           01 Jamaica                  12.05     697 12.046        
  4 Noble, Sheldon            01 Antigua And Barbuda      12.24     674               
  5 Kook, Kgevin              01 Curacao                  12.32     664               
  6 Estwick, Jumulah          01 Barbados                 12.73     617               
  7 Myers, Ethan              01 ST Vincent               13.17     569               
          CR: ! 11.42  6/29/2013   Tyriq Horsford, T'DAD & T'GO                       
    Name                    Year Team                    Finals  Wind H# Points       
  1 Smith, Avindale           02 Trinidad And Tobago      11.94  -1.3  4    711       
  2 Toussaint, Tyler          01 ST Lucia                 12.01  -0.9  3    702       
  3 Miller, Shaun             01 Bahamas                  12.05  -1.3  4    697 12.042
  4 Watson, Antonio           01 Jamaica                  12.05  -1.3  4    697 12.046
  5 Maynard, Antonio          01 ST Lucia                 12.18  -0.5  2    681       
  6 Lowe, Shacquille          01 Jamaica                  12.19  -0.4  1    680       
  7 Babb, Enrique             01 Barbados                 12.20  -0.5  2    679       
  8 Noble, Sheldon            01 Antigua And Barbuda      12.24  -1.3  4    674       
  9 Kook, Kgevin              01 Curacao                  12.32  -1.3  4    664       
 10 Clarke, Benjamin          01 Bahamas                  12.56  -0.4  1    636       
 11 Andrews, Joel             01 Trinidad And Tobago      12.63  -0.4  1    628       
 12 Estwick, Jumulah          01 Barbados                 12.73  -1.3  4    617       
 13 Jean, Andreson            01 Anguilla                 13.02  -0.4  1    585       
 14 James, Harlan             01 Antigua And Barbuda      13.07  -0.5  2    580       
 15 Boeldak, Tahir            01 Curacao                  13.13  -0.9  3    574       
 16 Myers, Ethan              01 ST Vincent               13.17  -1.3  4    569       
 17 Palin, Mario              02 Martinique               13.63  -0.5  2    523 13.629
 17 Sylvester, Jared          01 Grenada                  13.63  -0.4  1    523 13.625
 19 Modeste, Valence          01 US Virgin Islands        13.85  -0.5  2    502       
 20 Jean, Lynolson            01 Anguilla                 14.36  -0.5  2    455       
 21 Richardson, Jammy         01 Grenada                  14.42  -0.9  3    450       
 22 Osorio, Marvin            01 Honduras                 14.53  -0.9  3    441       
 23 Modeste, Logan            01 Martinique               14.70  -0.9  3    426       
 24 Misuraca, Zion            01 Aruba                    14.94  -0.9  3    407       
 25 Bossong, Stan             01 Aruba                    16.12  -0.4  1    318       
 26 Stapleton, Romar          02 ST Vincent               16.61  -0.9  3    285