Hasely Crawford Stadium - Site License                      5/17/2015 - 7:26 AM
      2015 Hampton International Games-Local Heats - 5/2/2015 to 5/3/2015       
                           Live Results @ ttnaaa.org                            
                     HASELY CRAWFORD STADIUM, P.O.S., T'DAD                     
Event 10  Boys Under 16 100 Meter Dash
 Fastest 5 times to qualify, next 3 reserves                                    
 Revised result - 17.05.15                                                      
    Name                    Year Team                   Prelims                 
Heat  1 Preliminaries   Wind: 0.9                                               
  1 MC Eachnie, Renaldo       01 Concorde                 12.01  Reserve        
  2 Charles, Nathanael        00 S/Grande Sec             12.30                 
  3 Atwell, Trent             00 Pet. P.A.P               12.67                 
  4 Williams, Luis            01 ZC                       14.46                 
  5 Lawrence, Josh            00 Newtown                  14.70                 
Heat  2 Preliminaries   Wind: 2.7                                               
  1 Edwards, Josiah           00 Air Bon Sonics           11.59q                
  2 Monsegeue, Brandon        00 P/F New Jets             11.61q                
  3 Trotman, Tyrese           00 S/Grande Sec             12.62                 
  4 Lewis, Micah              01 Silver Bullets           14.37                 
Heat  3 Preliminaries   Wind: +0.0                                              
  1 Frederick, Timothy        01 P/F New Jets             11.65q                
  2 Margot, Kyelon            00 Memphis Pioneers         11.93  Reserve        
  3 Philbert, Daniel          01 Silver Bullets           12.53                 
  4 Mc Carthy, Aerion         01 Simplex                  12.67                 
  5 Dinzey, Nicholas          01 Cougars                  12.73                 
  6 James, Elton              00 S/Grande Sec             12.79                 
  7 Lewis, Omari              01 Concorde                 13.31                 
  8 Hart, Darius              01 Palo Seco                14.19                 
Heat  4 Preliminaries   Wind: -1.7                                              
  1 Flatts, Kirvon            00 Memphis Pioneers         11.92q                
  2 Montano, Hakeem           01 P/F New Jets             12.47                 
  3 Khadaroo, Rhys            00 Dovers                   12.54                 
  4 Moses, Levi               01 Newtown                  13.46                 
  5 Holder, Antonio           01 Burnley                  14.52                 
Heat  5 Preliminaries   Wind: -1.7                                              
  1 John, Shakeel             01 Concorde                 11.92q                
  2 Cole, Dominic             01 Abilene                  12.02  Reserve        
  3 Frank, Derron             00 Cougars                  12.13                 
  4 Charles, Remy             01 P/F New Jets             12.46                 
  5 Hamilton, Mark            01 Dovers                   12.53                 
  6 Acres, Lincoln            00 Burnley                  12.83                 
  7 Francis, Kjaro            00 Genesis                  13.34                 
  8 Baxam, Tyrese             01 Simplex                  13.46                 
 Fastest 5 times to qualify, next 3 reserves                                    
 Revised result - 17.05.15                                                      
    Name                    Year Team                   Prelims  Wind H#        
  1 Edwards, Josiah           00 Air Bon Sonics           11.59q  2.7  2        
  2 Monsegeue, Brandon        00 P/F New Jets             11.61q  2.7  2        
  3 Frederick, Timothy        01 P/F New Jets             11.65q +0.0  3        
  4 Flatts, Kirvon            00 Memphis Pioneers         11.92q -1.7  4        
  4 John, Shakeel             01 Concorde                 11.92q -1.7  5        
  6 Margot, Kyelon            00 Memphis Pioneers         11.93  +0.0  3 Reserve
  7 MC Eachnie, Renaldo       01 Concorde                 12.01   0.9  1 Reserve
  8 Cole, Dominic             01 Abilene                  12.02  -1.7  5 Reserve
  9 Frank, Derron             00 Cougars                  12.13  -1.7  5        
 10 Charles, Nathanael        00 S/Grande Sec             12.30   0.9  1        
 11 Charles, Remy             01 P/F New Jets             12.46  -1.7  5        
 12 Montano, Hakeem           01 P/F New Jets             12.47  -1.7  4        
 13 Hamilton, Mark            01 Dovers                   12.53  -1.7  5        
 13 Philbert, Daniel          01 Silver Bullets           12.53  +0.0  3        
 15 Khadaroo, Rhys            00 Dovers                   12.54  -1.7  4        
 16 Trotman, Tyrese           00 S/Grande Sec             12.62   2.7  2        
 17 Atwell, Trent             00 Pet. P.A.P               12.67   0.9  1        
 17 Mc Carthy, Aerion         01 Simplex                  12.67  +0.0  3        
 19 Dinzey, Nicholas          01 Cougars                  12.73  +0.0  3        
 20 James, Elton              00 S/Grande Sec             12.79  +0.0  3        
 21 Acres, Lincoln            00 Burnley                  12.83  -1.7  5        
 22 Lewis, Omari              01 Concorde                 13.31  +0.0  3        
 23 Francis, Kjaro            00 Genesis                  13.34  -1.7  5        
 24 Moses, Levi               01 Newtown                  13.46  -1.7  4        
 24 Baxam, Tyrese             01 Simplex                  13.46  -1.7  5        
 26 Hart, Darius              01 Palo Seco                14.19  +0.0  3        
 27 Lewis, Micah              01 Silver Bullets           14.37   2.7  2        
 28 Williams, Luis            01 ZC                       14.46   0.9  1        
 29 Holder, Antonio           01 Burnley                  14.52  -1.7  4        
 30 Lawrence, Josh            00 Newtown                  14.70   0.9  1