National Association of Athletics Administrations of Trinidad and Tobago

executive :: 2nd_vice_president


Allan Baboolal

Portfolio 2nd Vice President
Birthplace Gran Couva, Trinidad & Tobago
Profession Licensed Custom Clerk
Profile Allan Baboolal has been a member of the National Association of Athletics Administrations of Trinidad and Tobago for the past thirty-five (35) years. In 1976 he was elected Trustee and four years later was elected Treasurer. Subsequently, Allan went on to become the organization's Third (3rd) Vice President and was later appointed General Secretary, a position which he held until December 2016.

Mr Baboolal has his roots firmly grounded in track and field in the central region as he was a founding member of the Central Athletics Club in 1985. At Central Athletics, Allan served as President, Secretary, Head Coach and now, Assistant Coach.

Over the years Allan has served as both Manager and Coach to National teams. His service has extended regionally as well, having served as a NACAC Council Member for two terms.
Other Sports Cricket, Former Marathoner
Interests -
Affiliation Central Athletics Club
Contact General Contact  
Allan Baboolal Secretary NAAATT

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