National Association of Athletics Administrations of Trinidad and Tobago

executive :: officer


Dawn Washington

Portfolio Officer
Birthplace Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago
Profession Retired Charge hand of Port of Spain City Corporation
Profile Dawn Washington is one of the many dedicated persons within the Trinidad and Tobago Track and Field Fraternity and known for her ability to assist any club in their time of need. Mrs. Washington is a former athlete who represented Trinidad and Tobago on the regionally stage. As her passion is athletics, upon retirement she began to officiate to give back to the sport and is a certified Level 1 IAAF Technical Official.

Mrs. Washington is known to be the leader of the "Engine Room" in track and field namely the Call Room and as acted in this position for several years. Because of her ability to manage such a difficult area she has been selected on numerous occasions to manage and oversee the Call Room at the Carifta Games. She also maintains this position when Trinidad and Tobago host regional championships such as Pan American Juniors Championships and CAC Age Group and Junior Championships.

Apart from active officiating, Dawn has served the NAAA from 2007 to present and has always been willing to serve once called upon. Mrs. Washington has been a member as well as Chairperson on several committees of the NAAA namely Games, Masters, Technical and Women's. Under the guidance of Mr. Ephraim Serrette, she has helped mold the NAAA into the 21st century by suggesting and/or taking proactive measures into the management of the organization.

Because of her belief in Mr. Serrette's vision to strive excellence, Mrs. Washington is willing to continue to serve on the NAAA Board to ensure that track and field is given the recognition and status it deserves.
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Dawn Washington Officer NAAATT

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