National Association of Athletics Administrations of Trinidad and Tobago

media_artricles :: 2015


Goodbye to a tough year for sport

Brian Lewis :: Trinidad Guardian :: 29.12.2015

The year 2015 is about to say bye bye. What a tumultuous 12 months it has been. For most sport fans, their memorable moments would surround the FIFA scandal and the IAAF revelations regarding Russia. Both stories stole the thunder from the many outstanding achievements on the field.

Closer to home, the FIFA debacle touched the Caribbean. Ongoing governance issues within local national sport organisations made it centre stage.The majority of fans found themselves in a frame of mind where they did not differentiate but made the assumption that the acts of a comparative few had tainted all.

It is left to be seen how the sport world will straighten things out. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) is heavily promoting its agenda 2020 emphasis on the importance of good governance, linking the issue to the autonomy of sport organisations.

Inside of the Basic Principles of Good Governance for Sports Organisations, transparency is key. The IOC is taking the responsibility to implement within its own governance increased transparency.

One of the measures the IOC has introduced as part of its enhanced transparency is its indemnity policy for the IOC members and the IOC president. The policy is in accord with the status of the IOC as a not-for-profit organisation and that of the IOC member, including the IOC president.

Because of the volunteer status, the principle applied is that the IOC members and president should not financially benefit from their positions.

There are other considerations specific to the role of IOC president that come into play including a recognition that according to the obligations and rights attributed to the IOC president in the Olympic Charter, the role has the function of that required 365 days a year commitment.

The main point in highlighting the particular matter of increasing transparency is the suggestion that a lack of transparency would have been a contributing factor to the year of scandals in sport. Improving sport governance will remain a priority for the T&T Olympic Committee (TTOC) in 2016.

The IOC’S role includes the following:
• Lead the fight to protect clean athletes
• Encourage and promote ethics and good governance in sport
• Promote sustainable development
• Support efforts to provide for the social and professional future of athletes
• Oppose political or commercial abuse of athletes
• Encourage and support measures related to the medical care and health of athletes
• Act against any form of discrimination affecting the Olympic Movement
• Ensure the regular celebration of the Olympic Games.

To advance these goals, the IOC is taking a number of actions, including enacting reforms to protect the unique status of the Olympic Games. The changes and reforms have seen a greater emphasis on transparency and good governance. The TTOC is duty bound to so do. This evening the TTOC will host its Annual Awards Gala. The ceremony will be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel Ballroom, Port-of-Spain. Start time is 6 pm.

Brian Lewis is the president of the T&T Olympic Committee (TTOC). The views expressed are not necessarily those of the Olympic Committee. Support #TeamTTO athletes. Buy #TeamTTO T-shirts at any branch of Fan Club. All proceeds go to @TTOlympic #10 Golds24 Athlete Welfare and Preparation Fund.


Guardian Media

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