National Association of Athletics Administrations of Trinidad and Tobago

naaatt :: competition :: officials

Cleopatra Borel-Brown

Competition Technical Officials

Officials play an important role in making events run smoothly. From working national championships to officiating Secondary/Primary school track meets, officials are essential for maintaining the highest levels of integrity at all levels of competition.

Officials are trained and certified individuals who are responsible for judging and supervising the competition at Athletics events. NAAA’s Officials volunteer their expertise and time to ensure the quality and fairness of competition in the areas of Cross-Country Running, Race-Walk, Road Running and Track and Field Events.

See IAAF Technical Officilas Education (TOECS & RWJECS)

1. Technical Officials Education and Certification System (TOECS)

Recognising that the resources and effort involved in developing an education programme may be beyond capabilities on a national level, the IAAF has established a Technical Officials Education and Certification System (TOECS) which is available as a service to Member Federations which would like to make use of it.

The goal of the TOECS is to improve the level of athletics officiating all over the world, which means:

  • Creating a basic level of officiating skills where nothing or a grass roots only situation exists.
  • Improving the level of officiating skills where a system is already in place.

The operation of the TOECS is co-ordinated by the IAAF Development Department and the RDCs. The TOECS features standard learning materials and specifically trained lecturers for the following three levels of courses:

Level I

The objective of the Level I course is to provide participants with the theoretical and practical training required to make them capable of officiating at national level competitions and at international competitions held within the country. The Level I course also identifies candidates for the position of NTO. Level I courses are organised by the Member Federation, however, for approved courses the IAAF will supply the necessary materials. Participants who successfully complete the course receive an IAAF Level I Officiating Certificate. Those participants whose examination marks meet the required standards are eligible to attend a Level II course.

Level II

The objective of the Level II course is to provide participants with the theoretical and practical training required to make them capable of officiating at international competitions up to the Area level. The Level II course also identifies candidates for the position of ATO. Participants who successfully complete the course receive an IAAF Level II Officiating Certificate. Those participants whose examination marks meet the required standards are eligible to attend a Level III course.

Level III

The objective of the Level III course is to provide participants with the theoretical and practical training required to make them capable of officiating at international competitions up to the highest level. Participants who successfully complete the course receive the IAAF Officiating Diploma and are placed on the IAAF ITO Panel making them eligible for appointment to ITO positions.

TOECS Level I Equivalence

Any Member Federation, which has its own technical officials education programme in place, may apply to the IAAF for Level I equivalence. If the programme is recognised as equivalent to the TOECS Level I, those national officials who have achieved the highest level under that system will be eligible to participate in a TOECS Level II course, providing that all other requisites have been complied with.

2. Race Walking Judges Education And Certification System (RWJECS)

The IAAF nominated the first Race Walking Committee in 1926 with the purpose to educate specialised judges to conduct and oversee International Race Walking Competitions.

However, only in 1996, the IAAF created an educational system called: RWJECS, with the purpose to provide participants with the theoretical and practical training required to make them capable of officiating at international competitions.

Level I

All TOECS Level I technical officials are entitled to officiate Race Walking Competitions at National Level.

Level II

The objective of the Level II course is to provide participants with the theoretical and practical training required to make them capable of officiating at international competitions up to Area level.

Level II courses are organised by the IAAF at its Regional Development Centres. The Level II course also identifies potential candidates for the position of Area Race Walking Judges ARWJ. Participants who successfully complete the course receive an IAAF Level II Race Walking Officiating Diploma.

Level III (IRWJ)

International Race Walking Judges (IRWJs) is an evaluation through which the top Race Walking Officials in the world are selected for appointment as IRWJs.

IRWJs are appointed by the IAAF to judge the major race walking competitions including the Race Walking World Cup, the World Championships and the Olympic Games. Every four years (in the second year following an Olympic Games, i.e. 2010 – 2014 etc.), the IAAF organise and conduct an IRWJ Evaluation. Participants who successfully complete the course are placed on the IRWJs Panel making them eligible for IRWJ position.


Cleopatra Borel-Brown
See Athlete Profile

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National Association of Athletics Administrations of Trinidad and Tobago