National Association of Athletics Administrations of Trinidad and Tobago

naaatt :: competition :: ranking :: 2012 ::

Cleopatra Borel-Brown

Trinidad & Tobago Athlete Ranking

2012 Men's Long Jump (650)

Mark Place Wind Name BirthDate Location Date PB-Prev
1 791 3 1.9 Kyron Blaise 03.10.89 Baton Rouge 12.05.12 790-09
2 760 1 i Dellon Williams 02.11.87 Lubbock 14.01.12 766-10
3 747 4 i Chris Hercules 14.05.79 Kenosha 27.01.12 742-06
4 722 1 . Dwaine Herbert 86 Pte a Pierre 25.03.12 758-10
5 722 3 1.6 Atiba Wright 12.05.93 Hamilton 08.04.12 736-09
6 707 1 -0.4 Andwuelle Wright 97 San Salvador 29.06.12 .
7 704 1 . Kevin Roberts 95 Port of Spain 16.06.12 .
8 703 2 . Shannon Salazar . Port of Spain 16.06.12 .
9 691 3 . Akeel Edwards 94 Port of Spain 16.06.12 .
10 675 3 -1.8 Amichi Goodridge 76 Port of Spain 01.04.12 691-09
11 666 2 -1.6 Nicholon Caesar 96 Port of Spain 02.06.12 .
12 665 4 . Che Richards 97 Port of Spain 22.04.12 .
13 651 1 . Edson Moses 97 Bacolet 14.02.12 180-11
14 651 1 -1.7 Anton Roberts 90 Port of Spain 27.05.12 .
15 w656 3 2.8 Akeem Harris 95 Port of Spain 02.06.12 .

Cleopatra Borel-Brown
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National Association of Athletics Administrations of Trinidad and Tobago