National Association of Athletics Administrations of Trinidad and Tobago

naaatt :: competition :: ranking :: 2012 ::

Cleopatra Borel-Brown

Trinidad & Tobago Athlete Ranking

2012 Men's Triple Jump (1200)

Mark Place Wind Name BirthDate Location Date PB-Prev
1 1649 2 0.8 Kyron Blaise 03.10.89 Baton Rouge 13.05.12 1636i-11
2 1617 1 -1.2 Chris Hercules 14.05.79 Port of Spain 24.06.12 1688i-05
3 1589 3 0.4 Steve Waithe 07.01.93 San Salvador 01.07.12 .
4 1581 -0.5 Elton Walcott 23.02.92 Port of Spain 19.05.12 1643-11
5 1549 3 i Dellon Williams 02.11.87 CollegeStation 28.01.12 1604-10
6 1506 6 . -- -- Lubbock 05.05.12 .
7 1488 1 . Akeel Edwards 94 Port of Spain 03.03.12 .
8 1429 1 . Kevin Roberts 95 Couva 11.02.12 1391-11
9 1398 1 . Francis Louis 96 Port of Spain 15.03.12 1397-11
10 1386 2 . Atiba Wright 12.05.93 Port of Spain 15.03.12 1381-11
11 1338 4 -0.6 Kyle Preudhomme 93 Port of Spain 03.03.12 1425-11
12 1286 2 . Che Richards 97 Port of Spain 15.03.12 .
13 1279 2 . Stephan Thomas . Port of Spain 18.03.12 .
14 1265 3 . Kafil Edwards 96 Port of Spain 15.03.12 .
15 1252 3 . Dave Williams . Port of Spain 15.03.12 .
16 1219 4 . David Thomas 94 Port of Spain 15.03.12 .
17 1218 2 . Wayne Bonaparte . Couva 11.02.12 .
18 w1653 2 5.4 Kyron Blaise 03.10.89 Baton Rouge 24.03.12 1636i-11
19 w1583 3 2.7 Elton Walcott 23.02.92 Port of Spain 19.05.12 1643-11
20 w1314 1 2.5 Che Richards 97 Port of Spain 15.03.12 .

Cleopatra Borel-Brown
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National Association of Athletics Administrations of Trinidad and Tobago