National Association of Athletics Administrations of Trinidad and Tobago

naaatt :: competition :: ranking :: 2012 ::

Cleopatra Borel-Brown

Trinidad & Tobago Athlete Ranking

2012 Women's Long Jump (530)

Mark Place Wind Name BirthDate Location Date PB-Prev
1 628 2 1.3 Ayanna Alexander 20.07.82 Port of Spain 24.06.12 602-10
2 606 3 1.5 Carissa Leacock 15.01.91 Port of Spain 24.06.12 610-10
3 576 4 1.7 Kiersten LaRoche 92 Port of Spain 24.06.12 565-10
4 569 7 i Danielle Davis 21.05.93 Blacksburg 03.02.12 577-11
5 544 10 1.3 . . Jacksonville 30.03.12 .
6 557 13 1.5 Karla Hope 08.01.87 Pueblo 26.05.12 .
7 549 1 . Alisha St Louis 98 Port of Spain 22.04.12 .
8 w590 3 2.5 Kiersten LaRoche 92 Amherst 05.05.12 565-10
9 w588 4 3.1 Karla Hope 08.01.87 Commerce 03.05.12 .

Cleopatra Borel-Brown
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National Association of Athletics Administrations of Trinidad and Tobago