National Association of Athletics Administrations of Trinidad and Tobago

naaatt :: competition :: ranking :: 2013 ::

Cleopatra Borel-Brown

Trinidad & Tobago Athlete Ranking

2013 Men's Long Jump (650)

Mark Place Wind Name BirthDate Location Date PB-Prev
1 773 3 1.5 Kyron Blaise 03.10.89 Morelia 05.07.13 791-12
2 738 i 1 i Jamol James 16.07.92 Blacksburg 19.01.13 -
3 732 1 - Dwaine Herbert 86 Pte a Pierre 17.03.13 758-10
4 729 1 - Andwuelle Wright 97 Nassau 01.04.13 707-12
5 725 1 1.9 Atiba Wright 12.05.93 Port of Spain 24.03.13 736-09
6 712 2 0.3 Seon Stafford 09.05.91 Port of Spain 27.04.13 739-10
7 709 3 0.2 Akeel Edwards 94 Port of Spain 03.05.13 691-12
8 703 i 3 i Steve Waithe 07.01.93 Edinboro 23.02.13 -
9 694 4 - -- -- Millersville 11.05.13 -
10 702 2 - Che Richards 97 Port of Spain 06.04.13 665-12
11 687 2 Kevin Roberts 95 Pte a Pierre 17.03.13 704-12
12 676 i 10 i- Kashef Daniel 16.03.90 Jonesboro 23.02.13 759-11
13 674 8 -0.7 - Baton Rouge 22.03.13 -
14 671 i 5 i Elton Walcott 23.02.92 Lubbock 12.01.13 -
15 671 5 -0.4 Dwight Herbert - Port of Spain 24.03.13 -
16 664 7 1.5 Wendell Williams 19.10.68 Port of Spain 22.06.13 814-99
17 658 5 - Amichi Goodridge 76 Port of Spain 06.04.13 691-09
18 654 6 -1.3 Anton Roberts 90 Port of Spain 24.03.13 651-12
19 w787 1 2.1 Kyron Blaise 03.10.89 Port of Spain 22.06.13 791-12
20 w752 2 2.2 Dwaine Herbert 86 Port of Spain 22.06.13 758-10
21 w729 3 4.1 Seon Stafford 09.05.91 Port of Spain 22.06.13 739-10
22 w703 2 3.8 Che Richards 97 Port of Spain 01.06.13 665-12
23 w6.60 18 2.4 Jamol James 16.07.92 Columbia 11.05.13 -

Cleopatra Borel-Brown
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National Association of Athletics Administrations of Trinidad and Tobago