National Association of Athletics Administrations of Trinidad and Tobago

naaatt :: competition :: results :: 2018

Ato Boldon

Formatted Results Library 2018

Results Captured by IAAF

    Date End Event File sorted by "Name" Venue
      NEW IAAF TTO Overseas 2018 Field Multiple
      NEW IAAF TTO Overseas 2018 Track Multiple

Results Captured by NAAATT

    Date End Event File sorted by "Club" Venue
  1 02.12.17 - NAAA Track & Field Series 1 HCS, POS
  2 13.01.18 - NAAA Track & Field Series 3 HCS, POS
  3 20.01.18 - NAAA Track & Field Series 5 HCS, POS
  4 27.01.18 - NAAA Track & Field Series 6 MRS, Marabella
  5 03.02.18 - NAAA Track & Field Series 7 LGS, Arima
  6 17.02.18 18.02.18 NAAATT Pre Commonwealth HCS, POS
  7 22.02.18 23.02.18 National Secondary School Champs ? HCS, POS
  8 03.03.18 04.03.18 NAAA Carifta Trials 2018 HCS, POS
  9 18.03.18 - Southern Games GPK, SFO
  10 21.03.18 - NAAA Sunset Development HCS, POS
  11 24.03.18 25.03.18 Tobago Falcon Games SPK, Tobago
  12 01.04.18 - Simplex Games ? Gasparillo
  13 22.04.18 - NAAA Relay Festival MRS, Marabella
  14 28.04.18 - Maximising Athletic Potential (MAP) Invitational MRS, Marabella
  15 05.05.18 - NAAA Hurdles Field Masters Festival HCS, POS
  16 12.05.18 - Abilene Wildcats Track Classic LGS, Arima
  17 19.05.18 20.05.18 NGC/NAAA Combined Events Champs HCS, POS
  18 23.05.18 - National Primary Schools T&F Champs HCS, POS
  19 26.05.18 27.05.18 Hampton International Games HCS, POS
  20 09.06.18 10.06.18 NGC/NAAA National Junior Champs HCS, POS
  21 16.06.18 17.06.18 NGC/NAAA National Juvenile Champs HCS, POS
  22 22.06.18 24.06.18 NGC/Sagicor/NAAA National Open Champs HCS, POS
        Results NOT captured by NAAATT or IAAF ...  
        Events & Results 2018  


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National Association of Athletics Administrations of Trinidad and Tobago