National Association of Athletics Administrations of Trinidad and Tobago

naaatt :: competition :: results :: 2020

Ato Boldon

Formatted Results Library 2020

Results Captured by NAAATT

    Date End Event File sorted by "Club" Venue
  1 11.01.20 - NAAATT NGC Track & Field Series 1 HCS, POS
  2 19.01.20 - NAAATT NGC Track & Field Series 2 HCS, POS
  3 01.02.20 - NAAATT NGC Track & Field Series 3 HCS, POS
  4 08.02.20 - NAAATT NGC Track & Field Series 4 HCS, POS

Ranking Year List

    Update End Event File sorted by "Name" Venue
    25.11.19 November 2019 NAAATT Athlete Ranking Field Multiple
    25.11.19 November 2019 NAAATT Athlete Ranking Track Multiple

Results Captured by IAAF

    Update End Event File sorted by "Name" Venue
    10.10.19 September 2019 IAAF TTO Overseas 2019 Field Multiple
    10.10.19 September 2019 IAAF TTO Overseas 2019 Track Multiple
        Results NOT captured by NAAATT or IAAF ...  
        Events & Results 2020  


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National Association of Athletics Administrations of Trinidad and Tobago