National Association of Athletics Administrations of Trinidad and Tobago

naaatt :: about :: executive

Darrel Brown

NAAATT Executive 2018

01 Ephraim Serrette President NAAATT Ephraim Serrette President
02 George Comissiong 1st Vice President NAAATT George Comissiong 1st Vice President
03 Allan Baboolal 2nd Vice President NAAATT Allan Baboolal 2nd Vice President
04 Dexter Voisin Secretary NAAATT Dexter Voisin Secretary
05 Carlene Haynes-Griffith Treasurer NAAATTArlon Morrison spaceTreasurer
06 Andre Leung Woo-Gabriel Assistant Secretary NAAATTBevon Lord spaceAssistant Secretary
07 Dawn Washington Offier NAAATT Dawn Washington Officer
08 Durly Lucas Officer NAAATT Durly Lucas Officer
09 Lucretica Burns Officer NAAATT Lucretica Burns Officer
10 Robin Brereton Officer NAAATT Robin Brereton Officer
11 Ronnell Barclay Officer NAAATT Ronnell Barclay Officer

Darrel Brown
See Athlete Profile

Media Photo Gallery
See Media Photo Gallery



Copyright © :: National Association of Athletics Administrations of Trinidad and Tobago

National Association of Athletics Administrations of Trinidad and Tobago